Stress Can Worsen Oral Health

Meeting the needs of your family, career, and social life can be stressful. Our bodies react to stress in many ways, but we may not be aware of how stress affects our dental health.  I would like to share some ways that our bodies may respond to stress from an oral health point of view, and also ways to calm our bodies and minds.  

Stress and Dental Health

Stress and Dental HealthThe habit of grinding or clenching your teeth, usually while you are sleeping, is called Bruxism. It may be caused by stress, sleep disorders, or more.  Symptoms include :

  • headaches, 
  • sore jaw creating TMJ issues, 
  • frequent toothaches from the pressure of clenching and 
  • damage to teeth or dental work.  

If you find yourself feeling stressed, make a dental appointment so that we may examine you and offer you the correct solution. In the meantime, try these simple tips:

  • Always make time for brushing and flossing. These three to five minutes are enough time to do something positive to improve and maintain your health
  • Keep regular dental appointments so that we can take care of any teeth damaged from clenching or grinding, or prescribe a night guard, recommend a sleep study to prevent further damage, or inject Botox to relax the muscles
  • Practice relaxation techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga, to control tension.  Visualize a beautiful, relaxing spot like a beach!
  • Exercise.  Going for a run or bike ride can help reduce your stress level. 

We want you to be relaxed and healthy.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to make an appointment at 781-438-7900 or